Monday, December 30, 2013

Crack Windows 8 All Full Version

Pada hari ini, Saya akan berbagi berbagai cara untuk melakukan crack terhadap aktifasi windows 8. Sebetulnya ini tutorial udah ada di arsip lama tapi saya lupa belum share di sini. Semoga berguna untuk digunakan di tahun depan 2013/2014
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Crack Windows bisa dilakukan dengan mendownload KMS Activator:
Cara menggunakan GUI:
Cara menggunakan CMD Manual:
Kebutuhan Instalasi:
  • .NET 4.0 or Windows 8
  • Activates Windows Vista/7/8 Pro/Enterprise/N/VL and Office 2010/2013 Retail/VL.
Langkah Instalasi:
  1. Double klik KMSnano.exe
  2. Tunggu dekompresi file
  3. Tunggu proses aktifasi windows berhasil
  4. Selesai
Tips Penting:
  • Melihat log file: %Temp%\KmsNano.log
  • Jika ada masalah, maka coba lakukan langkah berikut: Decompress KMSnano.exe dengan 7-Zip dan jalankan “Manual.cmd”
  • Jika sebelumnya menggunakan hacktivation: Decompress KMSnano.exe dengan 7-Zip dan jalankan “Fix hacktivations.cmd”
  • Jika menggunakan retail key dan ingin dijadikan Windows VL: Decompress KMSnano.exe dengan 7-Zip dan jalankan “Convert_Windows_Retail2VL.cmd”
Download Link:
Cara lain untuk mengaktifkan Windows 8 adalah sebagai berikut
Crack Windows 8
Simak Video Crack Windows 8
Petunjuk Instalasi:
  1. Extract file dengan menggunakan ZIP / RAR Archive.
  2. Jalankan sebagai Administrator (Run as Administrator).
  3. Click “Windows 8 Install”.
  4. Setelah reboot anda akan melihat Windows 8 sudah teraktifasi.
  5. Jangan lakukan update apabila sudah di aktifasi, karena akan mengakibatkan gagal aktifasi.
Virus Scan:
Status: FILE IS CLEAN! Silakan dicoba scan kembali pada online scanner.
Download Link:
Mirror #1-
Mirror #2-
Petunjuk Instalasi:
  1. Jalankan Windows 8 Key Generator, tunggu activatornya dan  paste.
  2. Jalankan Windows 8 Activator, kemudian pilih “Install Key and Cert only”, kemudian klik Install
Download Link:
Semoga bermanfaat Salam dari [x] Wong Goblog [x]
sumber :

In search of the Best KDE Linux distro of 2013: A comparison of 19 leading KDE operating systems

KDE is possibly the most versatile desktop environment that I've used. It ships with a host of cross-platform applications designed to run on Linux, BSD, Windows, and even Mac OS X. I don't know of any other desktop environment with that capability. Today almost all major Linux distros have a KDE version and distros like OpenSUSE, PCLinuxOS, Kubuntu, SolydK, PCBSD, etc. have KDE spins as their

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Linux Mint 16 KDE Review: With KDE 4.11.3 and offers superb performance!

It is not easy for a distro to stay number 1 in Distrowatch ranking for last 2-3 years displacing operating systems like Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, etc. And Linux Mint is doing the same release after release, each release beating previous releases in terms of functionality and performance. The latest release from Mint stable is Linux Mint 16, code named "Petra". First the Cinnamon and Mate spins

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Fedora 20 "Heisenbug" KDE Review: With KDE 4.11.4 & kernel 3.12 now, bleeding edge but stable!

when I started using Linux back in 2009, I didn't like Fedora much.
Ubuntu was my choice for being easy, fast and efficient. However, as I
matured as a Linux user, my fondness of Fedora increased. I reviewed
Fedora 19 in July 2013 and was very impressed with the performance it
offered. Fedora's latest release Fedora 20 "Heisenbug", named after a
bug, was released on 17-Dec-2013.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Comand di console

$ grep "license" readme.txt = mencari kata "license" dalam file readme.txt
$ du -h --max-depth=100 = estimate file usage
$ du /media/data/ --max-depth=1 -B M | sort –g = melihat penggunaan space pada folder
$ du -sh /media/data/ = melihat besaran (MB) folder
$ sudo fdisk -l = show partition table
$ free = melihat free RAM
$ cat /etc/fstab = static file system information
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo = info cpu
$ cat /proc/meminfo = info memory
$ cat /proc/partitions = info partition
$ cat /etc/rc.d/rc.s = startup
$ find / -name "namafile" = search nama file
$ find /media/data/ -name "Thumbs.db" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -vr = menghapus hasil pencarian
$ find /home/user -size +30M = mencari file dengan ukuran diatas 30M
$ alias lihat='ls -l' = memberikan alias perintah
$ cal 2010 = show calender
$ clear = clear the terminal screen
$ sudo shutdown -h now = menshutdown pc sekarang
$ sudo shutdown -h +2 = menshutdown pc
$ init 0 = halt
$ init 6 = reboot
$ init 2 =
$ top -d 2 = melihat proses shift+?
$ who = Show who is logged on
$ w = Show who is logged on and what they are doing
$ dmesg = print message system
$ cfdisk = tool tabel manipulator for linux
$ killall sshd = mengkill proses ssh
$ arp -ne = cek arp tabel
$ pstree = melihat proses secara pohon kebutuhan
$ lspci -v = cek hardware via konsole
$ lshw -C processor = cek hardware processor
$ sudo pmi action sleep = menjalankan fungsi sleep
$ sudo pmi action suspend = menjalankan fungsi suspend
$ dig = dns lookup utility
$ cat /proc/net/arp = cek arp
$ sudo gedit /etc/fstab = file konfigurasi mount hardisk
$ scp test.log oniichan@ = transfer file via jaringan kedalam home direktori
$ iwlist eth1 scanning = scanning access point
$ sudo ifconfig eth1 hw ether 0013022e91c7 = mengganti mac address
$ sudo apt-get -d source avant-window-navigator-bzr = download paket only, not install
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg = reconfigure ulang xserver
$ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop = mematikan service gdm stop
$ sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "pptik01" = mendaftarkan name access point
$ sudo dhclient = auto dhcp
$ chown oniichan:oniichan /media/data = mengubah owner folder
$ sudo adduser nama_user nama_group = menambah user
$ usermod -G namagroup namauser = memasukkan user ke group
$ cat /etc/group = cek group user
$ smbclient -U% -L localhost = cek samba di local
$ cat /proc/version = cek version linux header
$ mtr = gabungan ping dan traceroute
$ ls var/cache/apt/archives/ = data paket apt
$ ls /etc/rc2.d/ = list service
$ sudo update-rc.d -f rsync remove = meremove service rsync
$ sudo update-rc.d rsync defaults = mengadd service menjadi default service
$ ls -h = list human readeable
$ sudo apt-get install -f = fix dependency broken
$ cat /proc/acpi/acer/wireless = melihat penggunaan button
$ sudo tail -f /var/log/cups/error_log = melihat error pada service cups
$ lshal = melihat hal daemon usb
$ sudo hald = mengaktifkan hald daemon
$ sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start = service dbus daemon
$ nmap -sP = checking ip up or not
$ watch lsusb = execute a program periodically
$ speaker-test 1.0.12 = test sound
$ wget -O a.mp3 = download dan me-rename file
$ wget -c -t inf = download dengan opsi continous, try infinite jika gagal
$ wget -i download.txt = download dengan opsi membaca url dari file download.txt
$ wget --limit-rate=10k = download dengan opsi bandwith hanya 10 kilobytes/s
$ displayconfig-gtk = screen and grafik configurations
$ aplay -l = playing file
$ lsb_release -a = cek ubuntu version
$ lpinfo -v = cek printer
$ id = Print user and group information for the specified USERNAME
$ ps ax | grep screenlets | awk '{print$1}' | xargs kill -9 = kill spesifik berdasarkan nama proses
$ file nama_file = Determine file type of FILEs
$ for i in {1..10}; do echo $i; done = ngurut nomer
$ update-manager -d = Check if upgrading to the latest devel release is possible
$ cat /etc/passwd | grep 1000 | awk -F: '{ print $1 }' = menampilkan user dengan UID 1000
$ find debian/ -iname '*' -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum > md5sum = creating md5sum
$ espeak -s 80 "I love you" = text to speech
$ apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop = print policy settings
$ sudo ip route replace default nexthop via dev eth0 weight 3 nexthop dev eth1 weight 2 = load balancing
$ sudo Xorg -configure :1 = print konfigurasi xorg.conf
$ for FILE in cd*.bin ; do bchunk $FILE ${FILE%.*}.cue ${FILE%.*} ; done = mengubah file bin menjadi cue
$ rm cd[1-5].@(bin|cue) = menghapus secara spesifik
$ ls -l | awk '{print $8}' = print secara list index
$ split -b 200MB avatar.avi avatar.avi. = split file into separate file
$ cat avatar.avi.* > avatar.avi = merge into 1 file
$ sudo ifup eth0 = Stop a network interface
$ sudo ifdown eth0 = Start a network interface up
$ wc -ml /etc/apt/sources.list = Print byte, word, and line counts
$ history = Command History
$ netstat = Networking information
cd x atau cd /x == masuk ke direktori x
cd .. atau cd ../ atau cd/.. == pindah ke direktori satu level di bawah
x lalu [tab] [tab] == berguna untuk mengetahui perintah apa saja yang tersedia yang berawalan huruf x
adduser == untuk menambahkan user baru
ls atau dir == untuk melihat isi suatu direktori
cat == untuk melihat isi dari suatu file text
mv x y == untuk memindahkan atau merename file x ke file y
cp x y == untuk mengkopi file x ke file y
rm x == untuk menghapus file x
mkdir x == untuk membuat direktori x
rmdir x == untuk menghapus direktori x
rm -r x == untuk menghapus direktori x beserta seluruh isinya
rm p == untuk menghapus paket tertentu
df atau df x == untuk mengetahui space kosong dalam device x
top == untuk mengetahui status memori (tekan q untuk quit)
man x == untuk mengetahui keterangan manual dari suatu perintah
less x == untuk melihat isi dari suatu file text
echo x == untuk mencetak isi dari suatu file x ke screen
mc == untuk menghidupkan Norton Commander dalam Linux (sangat berguna dan memudahkan bagi newbie)
mount == untuk menghidupkan suatu device spt cdrom
halt == untuk shutdown
reboot atau [ctl + alt + del] == untuk reboot
chmod == untuk mengubah permission suatu file
ls -l x == untuk melihat isi suatu direktori secara rinci
ln -s x y == untuk membuat link dari suatu file x ke file y
find x -name y -print == untuk menemukan file y, dengan mencari mulai dari direktori x dan tampilkan hasilnya pada layar
ps == untuk melihat seluruh proses yang sedang berjalan
kill x == untuk mematikan proses x (x adalah PID di dalam ps)
[alt] + F1 – F7 == untuk berpindah dari terminal 1 – 7 (ciri khas Linux)
lilo == untuk membuat boot disk
startx == untuk menjalankan X-Windows
[ctl] + [alt] + [backspace] == untuk keluar dari X-Windows jika terjadi trouble
[ctl] + [alt] + F1 – F6 == untuk pindah dari satu terminal ke terminal lain dalam X-Windows
xf86Config == untuk mengeset X (primitif) dalam text mode
Xconfigurator == sama seperti di atas

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Linux Deepin 2013 Review: Refreshing and Elegant but with some minor quirks!

Linux Deepin has always been a special distro to me - an Asian distro with a distinct theme and an elegant attractive interface. This Chinese distro ships with it's own home-grown desktop environment: Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE), based on GNOME 3 along with a host of goodies that makes it very usable for common Linux users. I was very impressed with the previous release 12.12.1 and once the

Friday, December 6, 2013

Konek modem yang tidak support

Sedikit tutorial buat yang make mobile broadband a.k.a modem di Ubuntu dan keturunannya... hehehehe... mungkin ada sebagian modem yg tidak support di Ubuntu sbagaimana dgn modem saya yaitu Advan DT9 telkomsel (gak tau apa ini emng kluaran Advan atau bukan :( .... spertinya KW), dan saya sudah searching di google, dan gak smw tutorial yg benar ttg modem yg tidak support di Ubuntu.

lngsung aja ya:

1. buka console a.k.a terminal, jadilah root.
2. ketik ~# lsusb
3. perhatikan merek modem anda, atau coba ingat urutannya
4. cabut modem
5. lalu ketik ~# lsusb
6. perhatikan urutan yg hilang
7. lalu colokkan kembali modem anda dan ketik # lsusb kembali
8. nah, disini saya akan memberikan contoh dari modem saya.
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0018:0018 <<<< 0018:0018 inilah yg diperlukan.
9. ketikkan ~# modprobe -r usbserial
10. ketikkan ~# modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0018 product=0x0018 (isikanlah vendor dan product sesuai dgn yg kita ambil di no.8, jgn lupa didahulukan dgn 0x)
11. buka System > Prefererences > Network Connections, pilih tab "Mobile Broadband.
12. kemudian add settingan provider anda, sperti settingan Telkomsel, Indosat, dll.
13. perhatikan network manager applet, disana anda akan melihat modem telah mndapatkan sinyal, kalau belum bereaksi, cabut modem dan pasang lagi, lalu perhatikan network manager applet, hingga modem mendapatkan sinyal.
14. oh iya, jangan lupa, settingan ini tidak permanen, jd copy bagian ~# modprobe usbserial vendor=0x----- product=0x------ sesuai settingan anda tadi, lalu paste ke dalam text editor dan save. apabila modem anda tidak terdetek lg, buka terminal, lalu jadilah root, dan paste kan ~# modprobe usbserial vendor=0x----- product=0x------ kembali.

cukup sekian dan semoga membantu :)
udah di ujicoba di Ubuntu 10.04, 10.10, 11.04, Lubuntu 10.10, BT, dan sukses

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Calculate Linux 13.11 Review: Gentoo Simplified and works well with Nvidia hybrid graphics!

After more than 2 years of trying out more than 200 different distros, I noticed that I haven't really cut my teeth onto a couple of Linux branches, Gentoo and Slackware, that much. I don't directly jump to Gentoo in this article but take up a Gentoo spin, Calculate Linux. It is a Russian distro based on Gentoo Linux and has a rolling release, which means that once you install you need not to

Monday, December 2, 2013

Linux Mint 16 "Petra" Cinnamon and Mate Review: Mint has done it again!

We have all seen Ubuntu 13.10 and the incremental improvements that it brought. Though the distro in itself was really good but it wasn't something tempting enough to actually leave Ubuntu Precise, the LTS one with support till April 2017, and adopt Ubuntu Saucy Salamander, with 6 months of support. At that point in time, I thought Mint would make it's release pretty soon. So, ultimately, on the

Saturday, November 30, 2013

OpenMandriva Lx 2013.0 Review: Looks awesome but needs to improve functionality and performance

I have been following OpenMandriva for quite sometime, occasionally testing their release candidate distros as well. For those who are not aware of the latest Mandriva spin on the block, OpenMandriva distribution is a full-featured Linux desktop and server, sponsored by the OpenMandriva Association. It is based on ROSA, a Russian Mandriva fork, and hence, the look and feel of OpenMandriva is too

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

OpenSUSE 13.1 KDE Review: Very refined and functional!

I have been wanting to review OpenSUSE for quite sometime but somehow lost interest in OpenSUSE last year. However, with the release of OpenSUSE 12.3, my interest in OpenSUSE was back but I didn't get much time to critically review it. So, I was eagerly waiting for the 13.1 release to come out. Now after having used 13.1 for around a couple of weeks, I am finally penning down my review. Why a

Monday, November 18, 2013

Pear OS 8 "Rocha" Review: Very very elegant!

I have been following Pear Linux/OS for quite sometime. In fact, in between, I used Pear OS 6, the LTS one, as my main production distro for quite sometime last year. Pear OS intrigues me primarily because of it's striking resemblance to Mac OS X and inherent simplicity of the controls. Pear OS 8, based on Ubuntu 13.04 or Ubuntu Raring Ringtail, is the latest release from their stable.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ubuntu 13.10 "Saucy Salamander" Review and comparison: Ubuntu 13.10 vs Kubuntu 13.10 vs Xubuntu 13.10 vs Lubuntu 13.10 vs Ubuntu GNOME 13.10

Someone asked me yesterday that why I didn't review Ubuntu 13.10, the flagship OS of Canonical, though I reviewed all the other flavors. Well, there are a couple of reasons:

1. Except for Smart scopes and Nvidia support, there is not much difference with Ubuntu Raring
2. A lot of Linux experts wrote some high quality reviews of Ubuntu and I guess, I didn't have much to add.

So I thought of

Monday, November 4, 2013

Dork Carding

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Voyager Live 13.10 Review: Ships with a lot of features - definitely the most impressive XFCE distro I've used!

As mentioned in my previous review on MakuluLinux, last one week I was busy in using MakuluLinux and Voyager Live as my primary distros. And I must say it has been an wonderful experience so far. Yesterday I penned down my review on MakuluLinux and today I am attempting to jot down my experience with Voyager.

From Voyager 13.10

Voyager Live is a French

Saturday, November 2, 2013

MakuluLinux 4.2 Review: Refreshing all purpose Debian spin but has some minor bugs!

For last 4-5 days, I was busy in testing a couple of pretty good XFCE distros - MakuluLinux and Voyager 13.10. Actually I am bit tired of reviewing the established names in the Linux world - they come pretty much configured to work on commonly available systems and there is very little surprise in store. Of late, the new and relatively unknown distros seem more appealing to me due to a couple of

i'm back, with some great news !

Hi all !

I's been a while, i know, but i have some really, really good excuses for that :-)

in order of importance :

On October 11th our daughter Mare was born !
Mom and daughter are doing great and her 2 brothers treat her like a princess :-)

Secondly i have been studying really hard to get my CCNA certification, and on September 30th i finally got it !
It was a lot harder than i expected and it took a lot of time, but i'm really glad i did it.

Oh, and in between we also managed to 'upgrade' our house (+1 bedroom)
How's that for an excuse ?

Now i'm back on the linux/audio track and making some great progress with arps, synths and controllers.
More on that soon !


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 "Saucy Salamander" Review: With improved GNOME 3.8 and performs better than Unity 7

When GNOME switched to the 3rd version, initially it was plagued with a whole lot of controversies. Ubuntu came up with Unity DE and gave up pure GNOME 3 momentarily to again be back with a GNOME 3 spin in the Raring Ringtail release. There was no LTS release earlier but this time the Ubuntu GNOME team is gearing up for the 14.04 LTS release. I guess that is a great news for all GNOME lovers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kubuntu 13.10 "Saucy Salamander" Review: Just got better with better animations, social network integration and much more!

Ubuntu 13.10 is released this month and I already reviewed Xubuntu and Lubuntu flavors. Next is line is Kubuntu 13.10 which ships with KDE 4.11.2 and Linux kernel 3.11.0. KDE 4.11 has impressed me a lot and I found it to be better than previous KDE editions in terms of support for modern hardware and animations. Also, OpenGL 3.0 plugin works superb with KDE 4.11. However, this distro is

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Xubuntu 13.10 "Saucy Salamander" Review: As good as ever!

Ubuntu 13.10 is out and brings with it some incremental innovations. I reviewed Lubuntu yesterday and next in line is another lightweight Ubuntu flavor - Xubuntu. This is another distro which didn't undergo significant overhaul like GNOME or KDE. It has stayed more or less consistent over the years, can be customized a lot and post GNOME 2, has been my preferred DE. Unlike LXDE, XFCE is a lot

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Lubuntu 13.10 "Saucy Salamander" Review: Offers fantastic performance and possibly the best Lubuntu release I have used

The Ubuntu 13.10 release is out a couple of days ago and it is named as "Saucy Salamander" in continuation with the tradition of naming each release with an "Adjective Animal". I downloaded all five of the main releases: Ubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu. However, I start my review with my favorite of the Ubuntu flavors: Lubuntu.

Lubuntu combines the goodness of Ubuntu with

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Point Linux 2.2 Review: Beautiful Debian spin with Mate desktop

Honestly, for quite sometime I stopped reviewing Mate distros as they were not appealing enough. Mate seemed to be a poor cousin of GNOME 3 and not as appealing as GNOME 2, still my favorite distro. Though Mate is forked from GNOME 2 but it didn't come across compelling enough for me to adopt it. I was happy with XFCE and KDE, as better alternatives. However, last week I came across a really

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hanthana 19.0 Review: Sri Lankan spiced up Fedora, has some bugs but quite good in overall

The prime issue that I faced while migrating to Fedora from Ubuntu was the complexity involved in installation of proprietary codecs and flash plugins. Hanthana Linux is a step in that direction to provide new users a ready to use Fedora OS with all plugins and codecs along with a whole lot of applications. The concept is not novel though - Korora (formerly Kororaa) has both KDE and GNOME 3

Monday, September 30, 2013

SolydK 201309 Review: Rock-solid Debian spin offering KDE 4.11.1

Linux Mint has some serious competition it seems! SolydXK is gradually growing on me and like me, on many other devoted Linux users. This distro right now comes in KDE and XFCE versions and is a spin off from the Linux Mint Debian. LM Debian as of now has two desktop environments, Cinnamon and Mate, and no longer supports XFCE or KDE. That is where SolydXK contributes; more specifically

Sunday, September 29, 2013

SolydX 201309 Review: Simple, effective and efficient, as good as Linux Mint!

All those users fretting over the demise of Mint Debian XFCE spin can now rejoice with SolydX. It aims to provide users a simple, stable and secured operating system and targeted to small businesses, non-profit organizations in addition to the home users. SolydX is based on Debian testing branch and hence, gets updated applications more quicker than Debian stable. I tested the earlier releases

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Install Mate Di Ubuntu

Install Mate 1.8 Desktop Environment with MintMenu in Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty/13.10 Saucy/and other related Ubuntu derivatives

MATE is a fork of GNOME 2. It provides an intuitive and attractive desktop environment using traditional metaphors for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. If you wish to use this desktop environment on Ubuntu to replace your current desktop interface. It provides an intuitive and attractive desktop to Linux users using traditional metaphors. Mate updated to Gtk and all Gtk themes works with Mate, it comes with three themes Menta, BlackMATE, and others.
MATE is under active development to add support for new technologies while preserving a traditional desktop experience.

Mate offers some fork applications for its own desktop:

  • Caja: Caja is official file manager and it is a fork of Nautilus.
  • Pluma: Pluma is a text editor which supports most standard editor features and Pluma is a fork of Gedit.
  • Eye of MATE: eom or the Eye of MATE is a simple graphics viewer for the MATE desktop which uses the gdk-pixbuf library and it is a fork of Eye of GNOME.
  • Atril: Atril is a simple multi-page document viewer and is a fork of Evince.
  • Engrampa: Engrampa is an archive manager for the MATE environment and Engrampa is a fork of File Roller.
  • MATE Terminal: MATE Terminal is a fork of GNOME Terminal.
mate desktop

mate desktop

mate desktop

Changes in Mate 1.8:
  • Caja (file manager)
    • Added an option to use IEC units instead of SI units
    • Added “Open parent location” option in the search view context menu
  • Marco (window manager)
    • Added side-by-side tiling (window snapping)
  • Panel
    • Added support for Metacity keybindings in the run dialog and main menu
    • Added a progress bar to the logout dialog
  • Control center
    • Added support to use Metacity as a window manager
  • MATE Desktop library
    • Added MATE User Guide
    • Added mpaste tool for
  • Eye Of MATE (image viewer)
    • Added shuffle mode to the slideshow
  • Engrampa (file archiver)
    • Always display “extract to” context menu to Caja
  • Screensaver
    • Displays date and time in lock dialog
  • Applets
    • Added undo functionality to the sticky note applet
    • Added a new “command” applet to show the output of a command
    • Rewrote the “timer” applet in C
    • Clicking the middle mouse on the volume applet toggles mute
  • Dropped packages
    • Replaced mate-doc-utils with yelp-tools
    • Replaced libmatekeyring and mate-keyring with libsecret and gnome-keyring
    • Replaced libmatewnck with libwnck
    • Replaced mucharmap with gucharmap
    • Replaced mate-bluetooth with blueman
    • Merged all Caja extensions into a single package
    • Removed the modem lights applet, as the netspeed applet provides similar functionality
  • Other improvements
    • Fixed a lot of code deprecations
    • Fixed a lot of bugs
    • Improved the build system
    • Added and improved a lot of translations

To install Mate 1.8 in Ubuntu 14.04/13.10 open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

To remove repository and uninstall Mate desktop enter following commands in the Terminal:

MintMenu for Mate 1.8 desktop environment
One of the most advanced menus under linux. MintMenu supports filtering, favorites, easy-uninstallation, autosession, and many other features. It is developed by Linux Mint team for their mate edition.
mate desktop

Right click on panel slecet 'Add to Panel' and find 'MintMenu' then add it (You can keep both menus if you want). Right click on Menu for options like Move, Lock, etc. It can be added to bottom panel.

Install MintMenu in Mate desktop with these commands:

That's it

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Zorin 6.4 "Educational" Review: Very good for Kids, Fun to use, but lags a bit behind for Graduate students

During post graduate education and doctoral studies I was relying
primarily on Windows 2000 and Windows XP to write my thesis. I could
recall the nights spent with Adobe Pagemaker, LaTeX and MS Word for
writing dissertation, managing references and citations using EndNote
and many other software which actually helped me a lot in my research
work. Unfortunately those days I wasn't initiated

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Antergos 2013.08.20 GNOME Review: Most efficient GNOME 3.8 Distro I have used

Antergos started life in 2012 as Cinnarch, offering Cinnamon desktop with Arch Linux. It changed to Antergos after the developers opted for GNOME 3 as the default desktop and retained Cinnamon along with Openbox, Razor-qt and XFCE as the other DEs in offer. It has the same rolling release development model as the parent Arch Linux. Given I never liked Cinnamon, I didn't try out Cinnarch.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Manjaro 0.8.7 "Ascella" XFCE Review: Superb performance with professional looks!

Post Fuduntu, for last 3 months, I was searching for a suitable distro for my
Asus EeePC 1101HA with the following specs:

Processor: Intel Atom Z520 1.33 Ghz
Chipset: Intel US15W
RAM: 1 GB DDR2 SDRAM, 667 Mhz, PC-2 5300
Hard disk: 160 GB
Display: 11.6 in., LED backlight, 1366x768 HD resolution
Graphic Processor: Intel GMA 500

Manjaro XFCE on Asus EeePC 1101HA From Manjaro 0.8.7 XFCE http:

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Kubuntu 12.04.3 Review: Good but AWESOME with KDE 4.11

Kubuntu 12.04 LTS received a new update a couple of weeks ago and I have been using it for last two weeks. I installed it on a partition in my Asus K54C laptop with Core i3 2.2 Ghz processor and 2 GB RAM. There is no separate graphic card option in this machine except Intel proprietary graphic card which came along with it.

The latest update came with some significant changes like drivers for

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS Review: With much smoother Unity but no web apps yet!

Ubuntu is and always will be a special distro to me as my experience with Linux began with Ubuntu. I used it till 11.04 release, as long as the GNOME classic option was there and it supported customization. However, with Unity taking precedence in Ubuntu's flagship distro, I shifted to Linux Mint and other Ubuntu spins (with XFCE or KDE desktops). 

But, with the 12.04 release I started using

Sunday, August 25, 2013

OS4 OpenLinux 13.7 Review: With KDE 4.11 and the most efficient KDE I have used!

I have been testing out OS4 for quite sometime, primarily their XFCE spins with BeeOS theme (in 13.6 release, of course, they changed it for better!). Mostly, they bring out user-friendly spins with all available multimedia codecs and plugins to make OS4 a good option for Linux novices as well as experienced users. For this review, I take up the latest update of OS4 KDE spin. OS4 OpenLinux 13

Sunday, August 18, 2013

KWheezy 1.1 Review: Good Debian spin for the beginners

I am using KWheezy for last 5 days or so, in parallel to Elementary OS 0.2 and it has been a really weird experience using both so far. On one hand, I experience a very simplified approach to Linux where the operating system, by default, provides only a shell on which you build your own customized system with very specific applications that you like and use regularly, as in case of Elementary OS

Friday, August 16, 2013

Elementary OS "Luna" 0.2 Review: Simple, effective, efficient

Like many other Linux users, I too, follow a lot about Elementary OS. They seems to be getting things right what's wrong with modern Linux in general and GNOME 3 in particular. Consider this, it is just the 0.2 release of Elementary and already ranked 27 in Distrowatch popularity! The 1.0 release is yet to come! As Darshak said in the comments section - it is going to be killer of a distro.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Linux Deepin 12.12.1 Review: Amazingly beautiful and soothing Ubuntu GNOME spin from China!

I have used Deepin Linux earlier but never got time to actually pen down a review. It is based on Ubuntu but uses the GNOME shell rather than Unity and comes with great support for Chinese language. I am no expert in Chinese and hence, downloaded the 32-bit English version of Linux Deepin for this test.

From Deepin 12.12.1

Originally, Linux Deepin 12.12 was

Saturday, August 3, 2013

OS4 OpenLinux 13.6 Review: XFCE spin with a difference!

I used and reviewed OS4 13 (LTS version) earlier as well. But, I didn't find it appealing earlier. The default design of XFCE looks way better than the legacy BeOS design of OS4. I checked out the 13.1 version earlier and was not that pleased with OS4. However, my opinion changed with the release OS4 13.6 (I missed out the other updates after 13.1, honestly). With a change in design, interesting

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Zorin OS 7 "Lite" Review: Beautiful and functional LXDE operating system

Zorin has a history of creating pretty refined Ubuntu spins specifically targeted to newcomers. Their recent release Zorin OS 7 is based on Ubuntu 13.04 and it has 6 months of support. I earlier reviewed the Zorin OS 7 Core (with GNOME desktop) and found it to be very good in terms of functionality, stability and aesthetics. Zorin, as a tradition, first releases the core or GNOME distro and

Thursday, July 25, 2013

antiX 13.1 "Luddite" Review: Superb lightweight OS with blazing fast speed and offering full functionalities

Somehow I was never very comfortable with so called "lightweight" distros primarily because of the very limited functionalities they offer. I have tried out Slitaz, Puppy Linux, MacPup, etc. to name a few and finally settled for Openbox distros like Manjaro openbox, Archbang, Crunchbang, Sparkylinux, etc. In between, I tried e17 distros like Bodhi and Snowlinux as well. Actually all these were

Friday, July 19, 2013

Installing AMD Radeon drivers in Linux: Example from HP 4331s with Ubuntu/Netrunner

Last week, I tested Netrunner on HP
4431s Pro-book laptop (2.3 Ghz 2nd Gen. Ci3, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB Hard
drive, Windows 7, 1 GB AMD Radeon HD 7470M graphic processor). This
laptop belonged to my friend and he came to me to resolve a couple of

problem and slowing down of Windows 7 - the antivirus software
installed could not remove, neither it could be deleted manually.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Netrunner 13.06 "Enigma" KDE Review: With Firefox Market place, web apps and a whole lot of goodies!

I have been thinking of writing a review of Netrunner for quite sometime. I missed out when 12.12 was released. Further, I downloaded the 64-bit Netrunner 13.06 for two weeks or so testing it out, thinking of writing a review later. But, an opportunity came this weekend. Before actually jumping on to the test, an introduction to those who are not aware of Netrunner. 

From Netrunner 13.06 http

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Linux Mint 15 "Olivia" XFCE Review: Mint does it again, another exceptional XFCE release!

If I think of any distro which just works without any issue month after month, year after year, it is got to be Linux Mint. I am using Linux Mint 13 XFCE (with LTS support) on my netbook and it's been a trouble free 1.5 years - with absolutely no issue. Everything just working as it should work and I keep it on most of days at night to download Linux distros or movies - no heating problem till

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fedora 19 Review: Not flashy but very dependable, KDE being the best of the lot!

2013 has been an exceptional year in a sense that Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian, the three major Linux distros, had their releases this year. Debian 7 finally got released, Ubuntu came up with a better Unity along with more social integration and it is now turn of Fedora to showcase it's latest offering. I was really interested to know Fedora 19 - whether the latest Fedora is able to live up to

Sunday, June 30, 2013

ROSA 2012 R1 Desktop Fresh LXDE Review: Another super cool LXDE spin with added integrated control center!

As I wrote in my last article about LXDE though being very efficient, is a bit tough for a Linux newbie to handle. I was very happy with the latest PCLinuxOS 2013.06 LXDE spin as it made LXDE relatively simpler by adding an integrated LXDE control center along with quite a few other customizations. This week I used another LXDE distro, ROSA 2012 R1 Desktop Fresh LXDE. Incidentally, both ROSA

Sunday, June 23, 2013

PCLinuxOS 2013.06 LXDE Review: Fast, attractive and easy to use Lightweight rolling release distro

Of all the desktop environments I have used till date, LXDE definitely ranks among the most efficient ones. Just to give a proof of how much it is efficient than other desktop environments, I have used till date 13 LXDE distros and their combined average RAM utilization is ~ 116 MB (all 32-bit OS), to load the default desktop with task manager running. LXDE consumes less than half of the

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Peppermint OS Four Review: Linux Mint of Lubuntu with added Ice and Web apps!

Peppermint OS Four is one distro, possibly, I haven't paid sufficient attention till date. This week first time I made an honest effort to understand and use it for a few days continuously. I must say I am very impressed with the new Peppermint OS release - Peppermint OS Four. Earlier my impression was it is just repackaged Lubuntu. But, with continuous usage for a few days, my impression

Friday, June 14, 2013

Zorin OS 7 Review: Windows clone of Ubuntu with great design and good performance

Zorin OS is an Ubuntu spin specially keeping in mind the new Linux converters from Windows. From the beginning itself it has an interface quite similar to previously Windows XP and now Windows 7 (still it gives Win XP appearance as an alternative). Zorin OS is somewhat different from other distros, as it has a commercial angle to it. It has a paid full featured version with support and a free

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Linux Mint 15 "Olivia" Mate & Cinnamon Review: Great aesthetics & superb performance - Almost perfect!

Linux Mint is one of the few Linux distros that I normally recommend to any newbie. It just works! This is possibly the most amazing thing about Mint. Whereas with rest of the Linux distros, I get to hear a lot of complains (even I have experienced for some). But, not a single one for Linux Mint. Any system you throw at it, it will always work! Perhaps this is what separates Mint from rest of

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Snowlinux 4 "Frosty" "Mate" & "Cinnamon" Review: Good but is it better than Linux Mint 15?

Snowlinux is a distro which I follow with close attention as it brings out good usable spins of Debian stable, with easy installation. I was very impressed with the Snowlinux Crystal and Glacier series. So, after having a good break and returning from a couple of weeks vacation, I thought of starting up with Snowlinux 4 review. This one, of course, is not based on Debian but Ubuntu 13.04 and

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Conky Lua for KDE and Gnome 3 distros: Mageia, Sabayon, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Linux Mint, OpenSuSE, Chakra, Debian and Fedora

Conky-lua is a great and stylish conky that I got from Deviantart. I like its simplicity and appeal. However, conkies doesn't tend to work with modern Gnome 3, Unity and KDE desktops, as it is. Some subtle changes are required to make them work work with these modern desktops. I have made the modifications in the zipped files for

Linux Mint KDE, GNOME
Ubuntu Unity, KDE (

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hybryde Linux 13.04 Review: Use Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu and Ubuntu Gnome together without logging out!

Hybryde Linux is a new distro to me - I haven't used it earlier. Conceptually it appears similar to Ultimate Edition which combines all available apps and desktop environments to a fusion operating system, Hybryde Linux adds to it an element of seamlessly switching across desktops without requiring to log out. Definitely a novel concept for users who quickly get bored off using the same desktop

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mageia 3 KDE Review: Simple, refined, elegant and fantastic!

To be honest, I have used quite a few KDE distros in last couple of years but never saw a resource efficient distro like Mageia 2. Under similar conditions, Mageia performed better than almost all the KDE distros I have used. Plus, with Mandriva Linux going commercial and PCLinuxOS becoming independent of Mandriva, Mageia and ROSA are perhaps the limited ways to know what's brewing in the

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ubuntu 13.04 vs Kubuntu 13.04 vs Xubuntu 13.04 vs Lubuntu 13.04 vs Ubuntu 13.04 GNOME: A brief comparison

Every Linux novice goes through this phase - confusion to decide which Ubuntu to install when now you've got so many versions of Ubuntu coming out of the stable. The aim of this article is to facilitate taking decision by briefing about what distro has to offer and a comparison of their performance.

I take up here the latest Ubuntu release 13.04, codenamed "Raring Ringtail". Released in April

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sabayon 13.04 KDE review: One of the most elegant distros in the Linux world

Let me begin this way, I am a great admirer of Sabayon for quite sometime. This Italian distro is based on Gentoo Linux and provides an enviable ensemble of pre-installed applications which just works out of the box. Those who are scared of Gentoo, Sabayon can be a good starting point. Apart from being based on one of the most popular Linux operating systems, one of the greatest USPs of Sabayon

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

move from Garageband to Linux : can it be done ? - Part 3

- make sure you read part 1 and part 2 before reading this post -

In this post we will split up the song into different parts, making it is easier to analyse.

1) Preparation
While i was preparing this post i was looking for a way to visualize the waveform and add some sort of indication or markers to identify the different parts in the song.
My first idea was to take a screenshot of the waveform and use Gimp to add a couple of lines and some text, similar to the way Soundcloud lets you to add comments to a song as you are listening to it.
I could actually use Soundcloud to do this -and it would simplify things for you guys-, but since it's not my own work this could potentially get me into trouble (yes i know that chances are very very small, but you never know)
Exit Soundcloud, back to to Gimp.

While i was preparing to go the Gimp way i started up Audacity, loaded the song, started playing around with markers and accidentally discovered the 'label track' option.
A 'label track' is a non-audio track that lets you add comments at a specific moment in time, and also allows you to define a time range and give it a name : brilliant !

The result :

Read more »

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Debian "Wheezy" 7.0 KDE Review: Supremely stable and pure Debian delight!

Let me get it straight in the beginning, if you are a real distro hopper and always looking for the latest Linux world has to offer, Debian is not the perfect distro for you. You will get bored quite easily with Debian Wheezy! As indicated, Debian stable branch is for those who look for supreme stability and awesome performance. I had used Debian Squeeze for quite sometime in 2011 and was

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Ubuntu 13.04 "Raring Ringtail" GNOME Review: Upgradable to GNOME 3.8 and performs reasonably well!

Ubuntu GNOME (formerly Ubuntu GNOME Remix) is right now an official flavor of Ubuntu and their first official release came with Ubuntu 13.04 "Raring Ringtail". The unique USP about it is pure GNOME experience, devoid of Unity. Given it is the first official release with vanilla GNOME desktop and upgradable to GNOME 3.8, I was naturally inclined to try it out - to see whether it is more

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Kubuntu 13.04 "Raring Ringtail" Review: Stable, efficient and rock solid distro!

Kubuntu may not be the best KDE distro around but in my experience, a lot of new Linux users tend to start their KDE experience with Kubuntu. Possibly it is due to trickle down effect of the popularity of Ubuntu. But, never the less, Kubuntu receives a lot of attention among the Linux users. Kubuntu's latest release is 13.04 Raring Ringtail with KDE 4.10.2 and kernel 3.8.0-19 and as the release

Monday, April 29, 2013

Xubuntu 13.04 "Raring Ringtail" Review: Rock solid and stable as ever!

Let me set the tone of the review at the very beginning itself, these words are from the Xubuntu 13.04 release notes:  

"The Xubuntu team is glad to announce the immediate
release of Xubuntu 13.04. Xubuntu 13.04 will be supported for 9 months
and will need other media such as a USB device or a DVD to install.
What's new in Xubuntu 13.04? Xubuntu 13.04 is mostly a maintenance
release, and

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lubuntu 13.04 "Raring Ringtail" Review: Fast, efficient and functional

Lubuntu is one of my favorite distros for it's amazing resource efficiency and functionality. It may not be the most eye-candy in the Ubuntu clan but definitely the most resource efficient. LXDE traditionally consumes lower resources than Gnome or KDE and even XFCE. And most importantly, it is customizable enough to make it look really attractive. Though the release note of Lubuntu 13.04 didn't

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ubuntu 13.04 "Raring Ringtail" Review: Sizzling with Unity 7 but does it warrant an upgrade from Ubuntu 12.04/Ubuntu 12.10?

Let me start with where I left off in my review of Ubuntu 13.04 beta 2. To me, as an user, it appeared to be an updated version of Quantal (12.10) and nothing more. However, I ended with a note that possibly by the time of release Ubuntu will come up with something really spectacular like Smart Scopes. I must say, I am a bit disappointed with Ubuntu in the absence of Smart scopes. I heard that

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Manjaro 0.8.5 KDE Review: With KDE 4.10.2 and added Steam!

Within a short span of time, Manjaro seems to have hit the right cord with Linux users. In last 8 months, it had 6 major releases with almost all desktop flavors available in their kitty and currently ranked within top 10 in Distrowatch. For those uninitiated to Manjaro, it is an user-friendly spin of Archlinux with popular desktop environments which just works once you boot up. To me, Manjaro

Friday, April 19, 2013

Fuduntu 2013.2 Review: As ever - Simple, Effective, fast and now with added Steam!

This year January, I reviewed the 2013.1 update from Fuduntu and was extremely impressed by it. Since then Fuduntu has been one of my favorite distros and I use it on my netbook, dual boot with Linux Mint 13 XFCE. Fuduntu, though the name has resemblance to Ubuntu in it, is more of Fedora with the advantage of rolling release. However, to me it is truly Fedora + Ubuntu, as it combines the

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Emmabuntus 12.04.2-1.04 Review: Xubuntu LTS spiced up!

I recently came across Emmabuntus in Distrowatch, it is a Xubuntu 12.04.2 LTS based distro which comes with a large number of pre-installed applications. You can say it to be Ultimate Edition for Xubuntu. Naturally, I was inclined to try it out - to check if it is just mindless collection of applications or the developers have used their judgement in selecting those apps.

From Emmabuntus

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Ubuntu 13.04 "Raring Ringtail" Beta 2 Review: With a better looking Unity!

It is April 2013 and we are eagerly awaiting the release of Ubuntu 13.04. Discussions are on whether it will have the usual 18 months of support or a lesser 9 months. Codenamed Raring Ringtail, the OS is at the final stages and in this article, I give you a sneak preview of what is expected. Of course, Ubuntu will add some last minute surprises when the final release comes.

From Ubuntu 13.04

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pear OS 7 "Corella" Review: Simple, elegant and smooth Mac clone of Ubuntu 12.10

I have got good familiarity with Pear OS 6, having used it for more than 6 months. I really liked the launcher (and felt it is much intuitive and better than Gnome 3 launcher), and the social networking apps like G+, Facebook and Twitter. Pear OS 6 is based on the long term version of Ubuntu - Precise Pangolin. The latest release of Pear OS, Pear OS 7 is on the other hand based on Ubuntu 12.10,

Saturday, March 30, 2013

ZevenOS 3.0 Neptune "Brotkasten" KDE Review: Refreshingly different!

ZevenOS, a German based distro, is quite a familiar name in the Linux world. Typically they bring out two classes of distro

A lightweight XFCE distro based on Ubuntu, with the look and feel of BeOS, which actually never captured my imagination
A heavier KDE based Neptune based on Debian testing

Last week I came across the release note of Neptune in Distrowatch based on Debian Wheezy and I was

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Linux Mint 201303 "Debian" Mate: Very good semi-rolling Mate distro from Debian testing

Last week I reviewed Linux Mint 201303 Debian Cinnamon and was extremely pleased with the smoothness, refinement and performance it offered. Further, LMDE offers a semi-rolling distro with little requirement of reinstalling it again (if everything works properly after each update though!). Next I thought of reviewing the Mate version to make an assessment. Honestly, I haven't used much of Mate

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Linux Mint 201303 "Debian" Cinnamon Review: Debian simplified and offers impressive performance!

One thing I really like about Linux Mint is the refinement and completeness they render to each and every release. I have been using Linux Mint since 2009 and except for the repetitive art-work, I have never been disappointed so far. Normally Linux Mint releases mimic Ubuntu and mostly require fresh installation. I tried upgrading a few but with no luck and hence, had to do a fresh installation

Thursday, March 21, 2013

move from Garageband to Linux : can it be done ? - Part2

- read part 1 first -

Hi all,

To make it a bit easier to understand what exactly we are trying to accomplish i would like to tell you first what our current setup(s) looks like :

1) the setups
As you probably know we have been using Hydrogen live for a while now and that worked out quite well so far.  The Hydrogen setup consists out of a midi drum controller, an old laptop-in-a-box (LT1 on the drawing) and some extra wiring to be able to use the Left and Right output as 2 individual channels :

Read more »

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Trisquel 6.0 Review: High performing and extremely elegant! Free Software advocate or not - a definitely recommended distro for all Linux lovers!

The birth of Ubuntu is possibly, pivotal to the Linux history. Reason? Without Ubuntu, possibly we won't have heard the names of 50% distros in the Distrowatch top 100 list! You will find all kinds of Ubuntu derived distros there - mostly spiced up Ubuntu which work right out of the box with all free and non-free multimedia codecs and restricted softwares loaded in them! However, last week I

Sunday, March 17, 2013

GhostBSD 3.0 Review: Complete operating system and FreeBSD on steroids!

For quite sometime I was thinking of trying out a Unix operating system, something a bit different from the usual Linux distros I try out every week. I didn't want to jump directly to FreeBSD and hence, I chose the Gnome derivative of FreeBSD, GhostBSD. Eric Turgeon announced the release of GhostBSD 3.0 on 10th March 2013. The reason for my choice of GhostBSD over FreeBSD is obvious - I wanted

Friday, March 15, 2013

move from Garageband to Linux : can it be done ? - Part1

We (my cousin and I) are currently working on a rather interesting experiment : the goal is to move my cousins setup from Garageband (on OSX) to Linux.

First some background on the current setup(s) and where we want to end up:
Currently I'm running AmSynth + Calf Monosynth on my Ubuntu laptop and Stijn (my cousin) is running Garageband on his Macbook 13".  We both have a midi keyboard hooked up to our laptop and  use the built-in sound card.
An important detail : we are using these laptops live on stage so whatever we run it needs to be rock solid and easy to set up.

The idea to switch to Linux is not new, in fact I already dual-booted Stijn's Macbook some time ago, but it was more of an experiment because it wasn't clear what we really wanted to do with these laptops.  Since that time we started using the laptops for some songs we play with the band so now we have a better understanding of 'who-will-do-what' and also what sounds we need.

Being guitarist with 0 piano playing skills we use an _absolute_ maximum of 3 fingers to play the keyboard, so you can probably guess that we mainly use the laptops for a couple of monophonic electro/dance riffs and also some more old-school sounds like Hammond or piano as backing to create a richer sound.
Sounds pretty simple, but in fact that covers almost the complete spectrum of existing synth types : soundfont player, modular analog synth emulators, sound modeling synths ...

This should be interesting to see how/if we will move from Garageband to Linux.

To be continued ...

- read Part 2 here -

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail Daily-build Review: With latest apps and a better looking Unity

My latest Ubuntu 13.04 Beta 2 review

With every progressing release, Unity desktop is getting significantly better. In Natty and Oneiric, I actually hated Unity for it's inefficiency and decided to stick to Linux Mint and Sabayon for the time being. However, with Ubuntu Precise 2nd update (12.04.2), my opinion on Unity actually changed. Though still not customizable but efficiency has

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Kubuntu 13.04 Alpha 2 Review: Very promising

Kubuntu may not be the best implementation of KDE but definitely one of the most followed. For me, Kubuntu has been always a judicious mix of KDE and Gnome applications along with a boring default interface. Of course, with a change of wallpaper, KDE widgets and bringing in some KDE themes made it really shiny and attractive. Even Kubuntu 12.10 had a real boring and plain-vanilla default

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS Review: Now I like Unity!

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is possibly one of the most landmark long term release for Ubuntu and Canonical for a couple of reasons. Number one, it is the first long term release with Unity desktop. Second, first time the LTS is supported for 5 years. Love it or hate it, Unity has now become synonymous with Ubuntu. And after reviewing a lot of distros with stock Gnome 3 as desktop, I now understand why

ROSA Desktop Fresh 2012: Very efficient & elegant stock Gnome 3 distro

I have been following ROSA Linux since 2012. Now that possibly not everything going right for Mandriva Linux, the emergence of ROSA has assumed paramount significance. ROSA has not only enhanced the Mandriva based, but also created its own very distinct theme, especially for KDE. Even I am an ardent admirer of the unique design that ROSA brings on the table. Every ROSA release so far has been

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

NEW • Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 2.1.0-26

Steven Shiau has announced the release of Clonezilla Live 2.1.0-26, a new stable build of the project's live CD with specialist open-source tools for disk cloning tasks: "Stable Clonezilla Live (2.1.0-26) released. This release includes major enhancements and bug fixes: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded, this release is based on the Debian 'Sid' repository as of 2013-02-26; Linux kernel was updated to 3.2.39; multipath devices are now supported natively; the blkdev.list info file was added in the image directory; Xen disk was added as a supported device; the Partclone package was updated to 0.2.58, an issue with imaging JFS partitions larger than 50 GB was fixed; added '-m 1024' option to Partclone, this should increase the imaging efficiency; the udisks package was added the packages list...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a complete changelog. Download (MD5) links: clonezilla-live-2.1.0-26-i486.iso (111MB), clonezilla-live-2.1.0-26-i686-pae.iso (112MB), clonezilla-live-2.1.0-26-amd64.iso (114MB).

NEW • Distribution Release: Zorin OS 6.2 "Core", "Ultimate"

Artyom Zorin has announced the release of Zorin OS 6.2 "Core" and "Ultimate" editions. Although both are based on Ubuntu 12.04, only the "Core" variant can be had for free while the "Ultimate" edition, with extra tools and enhancements, is a commercial product that cost €10 to download. From the release announcement: "The Zorin OS team is pleased to announce the release of Zorin OS 6.2 Core and Ultimate, our operating system designed for Windows users. Zorin OS 6.2 builds on top of our popular previous release of Zorin OS 6.1 with newly updated software, a newer kernel and Zorin Menu. Zorin Menu is our continuation of the GnoMenu start menu software which has been included in every version of Zorin OS before. The first release of Zorin Menu, included in Zorin OS 6.2 for the first time, provides lots of bug fixes to ameliorate the overall stability of Zorin OS. As Zorin OS 6.2 is based on Ubuntu 12.04 it is an LTS (long-term support) release, provided with software updates until April 2017." Download (MD5): zorin-os-6.2-core-64.iso (1,498MB).

NEW • Distribution Release: Grml 2013.02

Michael Prokop has announced the release of Grml 2013.02, a Debian-based live CD with a collection of specialist GNU/Linux software, tools and scripts designed for system administrators: "We just released Grml 2013.02 'Grumpy Grinch'. This release brings the Grml tools towards the upcoming Debian stable release ('Wheezy'), provides up-to-date hardware support and fixes known bugs from the previous Grml release. New features: ssh boot option - display SSH server key fingerprints; grml-hwinfo - added support for lsscsi, iscsiadm, Proxmox, libvirt, OpenVZ, VServer information retrieval, swapon, mdadm, LVM + dmsetup, now using 'lspci -nn' for lspci output; grml-live - handling firmware related packages in GRMLBASE, added uuid-runtime to GRMLBASE; grml-network - netcardconfig provides support to scan for available wireless networks...." Read the release notes for a list of new features and important changes. Download: grml64-full_2012.05.iso (371MB, MD5, torrent).

Sabayon 11 Mate Review: Very efficient but stripped down version

To begin with, Sabayon 11 release is not
be missed. At least that is the evidence I got post using the Sabayon
11 XFCE and KDE releases. Hardware support is better than ever with complete EFI/UEFI and UEFI SecureBoot support, greatly improved NVIDIA Optimus support through Bumblebee, a selection of MySQL flavors, including Google MySQL and MariaDB, up to 14000 packages now available in the

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sabayon 11 KDE Review: Great aesthetics and stable performance

To begin with, Sabayon 11 release is not be missed. At least that is the evidence I got post using the Sabayon 11 XFCE release. Hardware support is better than ever with complete EFI/UEFI and UEFI SecureBoot support, greatly improved NVIDIA Optimus support through Bumblebee, a selection of MySQL flavors, including Google MySQL and MariaDB, up to 14000 packages now available in the repositories

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sabayon 11 XFCE Review: Extremely refined and a release not to be missed!

The name "Sabayon" always rings me of a very refined and extremely polished Linux operating system. As has been my experience with Sabayon 9 and 10, even the Sabayon 11 release doesn't disappoint. Sabayon 11 is refinement exemplified and is released in four flavors: Gnome 3, KDE, XFCE and LXDE. I start this series of review with my preferred desktop environment, XFCE.

From Sabayon 11 XFCE

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pengertian Linux, Sejarah Linux, Kelebihan dan Kekurangan dan Macam-macam Distro Linux


Adalah software sistem operasi open source yang gratis untuk disebarluaskan di bawah lisensi GNU. Linux merupakan turunan dari unix dan dapat bekerja pada berbagai macam perangkat keras koputer mulai dari inter x86 sampai dengan RISC.

Dengan lisensi GNU (Gnu Not Unix) Anda dapat memperoleh program, lengkap dengan kode sumbernya (source code). Tidak hanya itu, Anda diberikan hak untuk mengkopi sebanyak Anda mau, atau bahkan mengubah kode sumbernya.Dan itu semua legal dibawah lisensi. Meskipun gratis, lisensi GNU memperbolehkan pihak yang ingin menarik biaya untuk penggandaan maupun pengiriman program.

Linux pada awalnya dibuat oleh seorang mahasiswa Finlandia yang bernama Linus Torvalds. Dulunya Linux merupakan proyek hobi yang diinspirasikan dari Minix, yaitu sistem UNIX kecil yang dikembangkan oleh Andrew Tanenbaum. 
Linux versi 0.01 dikerjakan sekitar bulan Agustus 1991. Kemudian pada tanggal 5 Oktober 1991, Linus mengumumkan versi resmi Linux, yaitu versi 0.02 yang hanya dapat menjalankan shell bash (GNU Bourne Again Shell) dan gcc (GNU C Compiler).

Saat ini Linux adalah sistem UNIX yang sangat lengkap, bisa digunakan untuk jaringan, pengembangan software dan bahkan untuk pekerjaan sehari-hari. Linux sekarang merupakan alternatif sistem operasi yang jauh lebih murah jika dibandingkan dengan sistem operasi komersial (misalnya Windows 9.x/NT/2000/ME).
Linux mempunyai perkembangan yang sangat cepat. Hal ini dapat dimungkinkan karena Linux dikembangkan oleh beragam kelompok orang. Keragaman ini termasuk tingkat pengetahuan, pengalaman serta geografis. Agar kelompok ini dapat berkomunikasi dengan cepat dan efisien, internet menjadi pilihan yang sangat tepat.

  1. Kelebihan

  • Bersifat open source, bebas dan terbuka. sehingga tidak perlu biaya untuk mendapatkannya. LISENSI FREE  dan boleh di utak atik semaunya.
  • Linux sekarang sudah mudah di operasikan. kalo dulu pengguna linux identik dengan para hacker, tapi sekarang orang awam pun sudah banyak yang menggunakannya.
  • Hampir semua aplikasi yang biasa dijalankan di windows, sudah ada aplikasi linuxnya yang dikembangkan oleh komunitas linux atau bisa juga menggunakan software emulator.
  • Memiliki pengamanan yang lebih unggul karena di desain multiuser sehingga apabila virus menyerang user tertentu, akan sangat sulit menyebar ke user lainnya.
  • Cocok untuk PC yang memiliki spesifikasi minimum karena linux membutuhkan resource yang lebih kecil dibandingkan Windows.
  • Linux dapat berjalan di dua mode.
  • Jarang crash atau nge-hang yang mengharuskan kita untuk merestart komputer karena linux lebih stabil.
  • Memiliki komunitas di berbagai penjuru dunia.
  • Terdapat beragam pilihan seperti Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Centos, RedHat, Opensuse, Mandriva, dan sebagainya.

  1. Kekurangan

  • Banyak user yang belum terbiasa menggunakan linux.
  • Dukungan hardware dari vendor-vendor tertentu yang tidak terlalu baik pada linux.
  • Proses instalasinya tidak semudah windows.
  • Aplikasi di linux belum seampuh aplikasi windows.
  • Bagi administrator sistem yang belum terbiasa dengan Unix-like, maka mau gak mau harus belajar dulu.
  • Struktur direktori dan hak akses yang membingungkan bagi user yang terbiasa menggunakan windows.
Nama "Linux" berasal dari nama pembuatnya, yang diperkenalkan tahun 1991 oleh Linus Torvalds. Sistemnya, peralatan sistem dan pustakanyaumumnya berasal dari sistem operasi GNU, yang diumumkan tahun 1983 olehRichard Stallman. Kontribusi GNU adalah dasar dari munculnya nama alternatifGNU/Linux.

Linux telah lama dikenal untuk penggunaannya di server, dan didukung oleh perusahaan-perusahaan komputer ternama seperti IntelDellHewlett-PackardIBMNovellOracle CorporationRed Hat, dan Sun Microsystems. Linux digunakan sebagai sistem operasi di berbagai macam jenis perangkat keraskomputer, termasuk komputer desktopsuperkomputer, dan sistem benamseperti pembaca buku elektronik, sistem permainan video (PlayStation 2,PlayStation 3 dan XBox), telepon genggam dan router.

Para pengamat teknologi informatika beranggapan kesuksesan Linux dikarenakan Linux tidak bergantung kepada vendor (vendor independence), biaya operasional yang rendah, dan kompatibilitas yang tinggi dibandingkan versi UNIX tak bebas, serta faktor keamanan dan kestabilannya yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan sistem operasi lainnya seperti Microsoft Windows. Ciri-ciri ini juga menjadi bukti atas keunggulan model pengembangan perangkat lunak sumber terbuka (opensource software).

Sistem operasi Linux yang dikenal dengan istilah distribusi Linux (Linux distribution) atau distro Linux umumnya sudah termasuk perangkat-perangkat lunak pendukung seperti server webbahasa pemrogramanbasisdatatampilan desktop (desktop environment) seperti GNOME,KDE dan Xfce juga memilikipaket aplikasi perkantoran (office suite) seperti OpenOffice.orgKOffice,Abiword,


  1. Xandros
    Xandros Linux adalah sebuah distro Linux yang berdasarkan pada sistim KDE.Tampilannya sangat mirip dengan Microsoft Windows, jadi apabila dioperasikan sangat mudah dan nyaman.
  1. Ubuntu.
    Ubuntu adalah salah satu distribusi Linux yang berbasiskan pada Debian.
    Proyek Ubuntu disponsori oleh Canonical Ltd (perusahaan milik Mark Shuttleworth). Nama Ubuntu diambil dari nama sebuah konsep ideologi di Afrika Selatan. “Ubuntu” berasal dari bahasa kuno Afrika, yang berarti “rasa perikemanusian terhadap sesama manusia”.
  1. CentOS
Adalah sistem operasi bebas yang didasarkan pada Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). CentOS singkatan dari Community ENTerprise Operating System (Sistem Operasi Perusahaan buatan Komunitas/Masyarakat).
  1. Debian
    Debian adalah sistem operasi berbasis kernel Linux. Debian adalah ‘kernel independent’, yaitu sistem operasi Debian dikembangkan murni tanpa mendasarkan pada sistem operasi yang telah ada.
  1. Fedora (sebelumnya bernama Fedora Core, terkadang disebut juga dengan Fedora Linux) adalah sebuah distro Linux berbasis RPM dan yum yang dikembangkan oleh Fedora Project yang didukung oleh komunitas pemrogram serta disponsori oleh Red Hat. Nama Fedora berasal dari karakter fedora yang digunakan di logo Red Hat.
  1. Knoppix
    Knoppix adalah distro Linux live-cd yang dapat dijalankan melalui CD-ROM tanpa instalasi di hard disk. Distro ini berbasis Debian Linux dan diciptakan oleh Klaus Knopper.
  1. Gentoo Linux adalah suatu distribusi Linux yang memakai paket sistem manajemen Portage. [Bandingkan dengan: Debian yang menggunakan paket .deb, RedHat / Mandrake yang menggunakan paket .rpm. Manajemen paket ini dirancang untuk modular (mudah ditambah-tambah), portabel (dapat di port ke distro lain), mudah ditata, fleksibel, dan dioptimalkan untuk masing-masing komputer pengguna.
  1. Slackware
    Slackware merupakan sistem operasi yang dibuat oleh Patrick Volkerding dari Slackware Linux, Inc. Slackware merupakan salah satu distro awal, dan merupakan yang tertua yang masih dikelola. Tujuan utama Slackware adalah stabilitas dan kemudahan desain, serta menjadi distribusi Linux yang paling mirip Unix.
  1. Mandriva Linux
    Mandriva Linux (dahulu dikenal dengan nama Mandrakelinux atau Mandrake Linux) adalah sistem operasi yang dibuat oleh Mandriva (dahulu dikenal dengan nama Mandrakesoft).
    Mandriva Linux menggunakan RPM Package Manager.
  1. OpenSUSE
    SUSE sebelumnya bernama SUSE Linux dan SuSE Linux Professional adalah salah satu distro Linux dari perusahaan Novell, atau lebih tepat dari anak perusahaannya Suse Linux GmbH (Software- und System-Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, Nürnberg yang berarti pengembangan -perangkat lunak dan -sistem).
  1. Freespire
    Freespire adalah versi gratis dari distro Linspire (a.k.a Lindows), kemudian mungkin dikarenakan permasalahan nama, berubah menjadi Linspire.
  1. Linux Mint
    Linux Mint adalah sistem operasi berbasis Linux untuk PC. Inti dari LinuxMint adalah Ubuntu, sehingga aplikasi yang dapat berjalan di Ubuntu, juga bisa berjalan pada LinuxMint.
  1. PCLinuxOS
    PCLinuxOS, sering disingkat sebagai PCLOS, adalah sebuah sistem operasi desktop. Ini adalah sebuah sistem operasi bebas untuk komputer pribadi yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan penggunaan.
  1. Damn Small Linux
    Damn Small Linux (DSL) adalah salah satu distro/varian linux mini. Disebut mini karena paket DSL cuma 50MB besarnya. DSL juga memungkinkan untuk diinstall di USB 128MB.
  1. Kuliax
    Kuliax adalah sebuah distribusi Linux LiveCD yang dikembangkan oleh Kuliax Project untuk pendidikan di universitas. Distribusi ini berbasis Debian GNU/Linux dan Knoppix, serta telah dioptimasi ke arah penggunaan desktop Linux.
  1. Redhat
    Distribusi yang paling populer, minimal di Indonesia, redhat merupakan distribusi pertama yang instalasi dan pengoperasiannya mudah.

Dan masih banyak lagi distro-distro lainnya ..